‘Yellow Object’
Not particularly mean anything.
Just want to create an illustration of some art-deco style.
Published by Fourthbus on
Not particularly mean anything.
Just want to create an illustration of some art-deco style.
A recent browse of old files has reminded me of my long-overdue dream of having a neon light sign of Cho Kee – my dining brand (ok – just my kitchen). Neon still seems impossible Read more…
Catching a train up the King’s Lynn line, and passing through a myriad of either retro-fit or real station signage, varying from the modern-day franchise standard signs to the Great Eastern Railways. The one that Read more…
Since I left my route map designing business and went to a more boring academic route, Canton Metro officials have decided to embark on the unreturnable road of atrocity. The official map has become even Read more…